
Publication :
This website is published and maintained by:

The Agence Régionale Pour l’Environnement et l’Ecodéveloppement Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur (ARPE).
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Espace privé -

Intellectual Property Rights:
The website is protected by intellectual property rights and is the exclusive property of the ARPE. Design, graphics, content, the organization of this site are original works and are the sole property of the ARPE. Any reproduction or plagiarism, total or partial, without the consent of the author or his successors, or its assigns shall be unlawful. It is the same for the translation, adaptation, arrangement by any means whatsoever (Law 57298 of 11 March 1957).

Hypertext links to other websites:
The ARPE has no control over the content of third party sites. The existence of a link between the website Life + Hermann’s Tortoise and another site in no way means the control of the third party site by ARPE.

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Changing the site:
The ARPE reserves the right to modify or correct the content of this site and this legal notice at any time and without notice.